داستان آبیدیک

تفسیر کردن ـ تفسیر

tafsir, ~ kardan


1 Law:: (see also تعبير ) interpret, interpreting, interpretation (: discover and ascertain the meaning of a statute, will, contract, or other written document. Discover and present the true meaning of any signs used to convey ideas) construe, construing, construction (: to put together; to arrange or interpret the words of an instrument, statute, regulation, court decision or other legal authority. To ascertain the meaning of language by a process of arrangement, interpretation and inference) infer, inferring, inference (more properly برداشت كردن and استنتاج كردن ) comment (n, v) (also with on), commenting, comments (also توضيحات ), commentary reading annotate, annotating, annotation(s) (also حاشيه بر كتاب - تعليقات and شرح و تفسير - ) (: vi: to make or furnish critical or explanatory notes or comment vt: to make or furnish annotations for (a literary work or subject) exegesis (: exposition, explanation; esp an explanation or critical interpretation of a text) gloss (: 1 a : a brief explanation (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of a difficult or obscure word or expression b : a false and often willfully misleading interpretation (as of a text) c : a continuous commentary accompanying a text vt 1. to furnish glosses for 2. to dispose of (as a difficult problem) by false or perverse interpretation, used with away) explain, ~ing, explanation

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